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Evive is Here for You: Helping Employers Support Employees During COVID-19

Evive March 17, 2020
*This post was updated on April 10, 2020.

As an engagement partner to many large companies across the nation, Evive is committed to getting the right message to the right people at the right time, thus enabling them to get the most out of their benefits programs. This is especially critical in trying times like these. The COVID-19 outbreak has taken the world by storm and caught many by surprise, but it’s exactly the type of emergency that Evive’s technology is here to support people through.

We want to take this opportunity to share what our team is doing to support employers’ strategies of increasing workplace safety and emergency preparedness, specifically surrounding Coronavirus.

COVID-19 test center locator

On March 19, 2020, we launched the Evive.Care website to help people find COVID-19 testing sites near them. In addition to leveraging our data-driven capabilities to guide MyEvive users to this site, we made the site available to the American public. We felt a strong responsibility to do what we can to ensure people are aware of the testing centers near them.

Targeted notifications for at-risk members and other groups

On March 16th, 2020, Evive identified all individuals within each employee population who meet the high risk criteria set by the CDC due to their medical conditions. We began sending these people notifications to reinforce the resources available through their company’s benefits and promote population safety. Such available resources include COVID-19 symptom checkers, telemedicine, EAPs, and more.

Additional population segments have been identified since then for targeted notifications, providing guidance for:

  • Improved accessibility at retail pharmacies for maintenance prescription medicine
  • Fertility care
  • Kidney-dialysis and transplant patients
  • Eldercare and childcare resources for caregivers

Resources for everyone

Evive has compiled a comprehensive list of COVID-19 information and resources that is continuously being updated. The list includes resources for public health, fitness, at-home education, behavioral health, and more.

In addition to providing that list to the general public, we’re deploying messages on MyEvive that promote these resources to all employees and covered lives amongst our customers.

Business insights

On a daily basis since March 23rd, 2020, we’ve been aggregating COVID-19 case incidence at the county level for every state in the U.S. This data, coupled with our ability to identify high-risk individuals in each employee population, will aid in our customers’ business planning.

We’re assessing operational risk, ranking counties based on the count of employee residents with the prevalence rates of COVID-19 in a given county. This highlights areas where our customers might anticipate an impact on their daily operations as a result of the pandemic.

Clinical risk is something we’re also examining. This ranking is based on the count of high-risk member residents with the prevalence rates of COVID-19 in a given county, the density of that county’s population, and availability of ICU beds / 1,000 residents of the county. The intent is to highlight areas where our customers might anticipate clinical implications, given the CDC guidance that people with certain underlying medical conditions may be at higher risk for more serious complications from COVID-19 and more likely to need hospital care.

Easing anxiety

We’ve launched specific communications to address concerns and provide recommendations about dealing with the COVID-19 crisis. The intent of these communications is to gently dispel any anxiety people may be feeling about the spread of COVID-19, help them understand basic preventive measures, and direct them to an in-depth resource for more information.

We’re a partner to our customers’ partners

Part of helping our customers is standing ready to help their partners. This means supporting health plans, PBMs, and other programs in communicating any special accommodations (waived copays, prior authorization requirements, rapid refills, etc.) to relevant populations. It also means leveraging our own strategic partnerships, like working with Health Enhancement Systems (HES) to offer a virtual team-building challenge, supporting better health and more social support, to our customers at no cost.

Ultimately, Evive’s goal is to support these teams with ease of communication to the right segments of the population during these challenging circumstances. Our team is galvanized by a common purpose: saving lives.