A lot goes into effective communication. Crafting the right message is paramount—but if you want to drive real behavior change, you must ensure that what you’ve assembled is delivered at the right time and presented in the right way.
At Evive, we believe the best time to present benefits information is when the person is ready to hear it. Point blank: People aren’t thinking about their benefits until they need them. We prepare for those moments by leveraging everything we know, data-wise, about an individual, and reaching them where they are.
To do this, we leverage multiple communication channels. Here’s a quick walkthrough:
Desktop portal and mobile app
The MyEvive portal, also available as a mobile app, provides the foundation for an employee’s unique benefits experience. Whether sitting at their computer or commuting with their phone in hand, people can access and get nudged about their benefits in situations when that are most relevant to them. They might log in on their own, or get reached through their preferred mode of communication (email, SMS, etc.).
Such proactive outreach inspires people to make use of the helpful resources available to them, as well as to monitor their linked benefits and accounts with at-a-glance summaries of things like:
- HRA, FSA, or HSA balances
- Deductible status
- Out-of-pocket maximum status
- PTO balances
- And much more
These features provide users with a strong “pull”—a force that entices them to engage with the platform. Once they’re logged in, they are in a prime state of mind to take action and engage in new behaviors.
Interactive chatbot technology
We like to maximize the heightened responsiveness of visitors when they’re on the platform—if we didn’t, it’d be a missed opportunity. So we use artificial intelligence in the form of an interactive chatbot to deliver timely information about benefits as people browse the site. This includes proactively sharing relevant opportunities that the person could consider in that moment, as well as responding to follow-up questions, helping the person get where they need to go.
Tailored incentives programs
One of the most effective ways to motivate behavior change is to provide a compelling incentive for doing so. What makes our approach unique is the ability to generate personalized incentive checklists for activities, based on an employee’s unique needs at a given time.
When a personally intriguing activity pops up in the right moment, that person is much more likely to go after that incentive and complete a beneficial, needed action.
Just-in-time notifications
Our digital communications center provides employers with the ability to craft and distribute custom messages to targeted audiences. While this feature has obvious applications for highly segmented benefits communications, it can also be used for scenarios like:
- Making location-specific announcements
- Giving recognition to members of certain teams
- Sending individual well-wishes for personal or professional milestones
This not only reaches people in a more immediate and unique manner, but it expands an employer’s outreach options. When companies reach their workforce about topics other than benefits, deeper trust is built—and the benefits messaging resonates better.
No success? Enter direct mail
In a world that’s increasingly dominated by mobile-first sensibilities and digital messaging, it can be easy to overlook the kind of communication you can hold in your hands or have your spouse pin to fridge. Yes, we’re talking about paper mail.
We recognize that sometimes, the low-tech outreach is the one that finally punches through the noise and drives a person to action. At Evive, we use direct mail when it becomes clear that digital communication is not getting through.
More channels = more opportunity
Meeting people where they are is one of our guiding principles for a reason. Every person has a different story, different needs, and different circumstances. By maximizing each channel, we maximize engagement and the potential for life-changing action.
It’s our priority to ensure what you have to say about benefits reaches your employee audience—and that it drives real change.